If you go on a trip, this is the accessory that you should not forget

if you go on a trip, this is the accessory that you should not forget
if you go on a trip, this is the accessory that you should not forget

When we go on a trip we carry all kinds of devices whose batteries we want to recharge every night. Mobile phones, tablets, smart watches that count our steps, the camera, a GoPro if you have one, the external battery that you are going to use the next day… And the plugs are limited. Normally a hotel or apartment will have three or four outlets but there are many devices that you want to charge during the night. That is why this accessory is essential if you are going on a trip and it will help you have everything under control and everything ready every morning when you go out.

We carry many electronic devices and they all plug into the power. We are not going to get up in the middle of the night to change camera batteries for the phone charger, the cell phone cable for the powerbank, etc. That is why using a USB multiplier to take with us on a trip is an excellent option.

What is it?

There are many multipliers that we can find on Amazon depending on what we need and the ports you want to use. In addition, we can find two types of chargers: with a cable that allows us to rest it on a table or surface or adapters where we will place the different cables and are a MultiUSB charging station. Choosing one or the other depends on what you need or what you like more, but both are an excellent option.

Which one do we choose? It depends on the ports of the cables you are going to carry with you and the devices you are going to recharge. We found some that have one or two USB-C ports that many high-end phones already use to charge their phones. Compared to the classic USB to USB-C of traditional mobile phones, many now have cables with a USB-C port at both ends, so you will have to pay attention to this when choosing the adapter you want.


If not, you can use any of the many that we find on the market. Choosing one or the other depends on the input ports you need and the cables you are going to have connected. There are four USB ports that will serve you for normal cases but if you have many devices you can find chargers with up to eight or ten different ports. Be careful with this because overloading the outlet can be a bad idea. And dangerous.

What should we look at? Beyond what we have explained to you before and whether you want USB-C or normal USB, there are other fundamental aspects and that is whether it has fast charging . You’ll want to plug your phone into a charger that’s going to take full advantage of fast charging, and not everyone has that. Many of the adapters you find on the market will have these ports marked in another color, such as red, to tell you that this is the one that will charge the fastest.

Which one to buy

There are many models and it is always important that you pay attention to the USB ports, that it is a reliable brand and that you read opinions from other users to see if they are reliable or not, for example. Normally it will not cost you more than 20 euros, although it will depend on the model you choose and you can find many models on Amazon that fit what you need.

Just take a look and find one that fits by port number and type.


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