Google wants Health Connect to come pre-installed on Android 14 phones

Google wants Health Connect to come pre-installed on Android 14 phones

The next version of Android may have the Google Health Connect pre-installed among the standard system applications. However, this is still speculation, although it is not a surprise that the manufacturer wants to implement this application in its operating system.

Another function that Android 14 should bring is the improved function of going back to the previous screen, even though this feature is already appearing in beta versions. In fact, the QPR2 version recently launched by the company also brought the health application installed on line smartphones. pixel🇧🇷

Even without knowing if devices from other brands will also come with this app installed, it doesn’t make much sense that only Google’s own models have this feature. After all, the idea is to have Health Connect pre-installed, although the collaboration of developers is required to verify the program’s compatibility with other smartphones.

For those who don’t know, this health application was launched with the intention of integrating all the information regarding physical exercises and the user’s well-being. In this sense, it arrived so that people avoid installing several other different apps to have specific data in each one. That way, you can have everything available from a single source.

Anyway, despite the evidence, there has still been no official statement from Google. Still, the company really wants the health app to become part of Android in version 14 of the system. Therefore, we can only wait for more details about the software.

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