Google updated its algorithm this March 2023: What is there to know?

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On March 15, 2023, Google released its first broad algorithm update of the year, known as the core update March 2023. As usual, this update is expected to take one to two weeks to fully roll out.

SEO experts have noted that the update has had a significant impact on web traffic, with major changes to tracking tools and the SEO world, according to search expert Barry Schwartz of the Search Engine Roundtable. It’s important to remember that effects seen in the first few days after an update may not be indicative of how things will eventually settle, so it’s best to wait for the update to complete before jumping to any conclusions about its true impact.

The effects on SEO and “Black Hat” techniques

According to Schwartz, the March 2023 update could have a bigger impact on the “Black Hat” SEO community than the “White Hat” one, although this has not yet been confirmed. Black Hat SEO is a type of search engine optimization that focuses on manipulating and bypassing search engine algorithms to gain higher rankings. It involves techniques such as keyword stuffing, hidden text, and link exchanges, which violate search engine guidelines. These techniques are used to generate fast, short-term results, but can result in penalties and removal of a website from search engine results pages.

What we know so far

Schwartz has put together a short list of what he knows so far about Google’s March 2023 core update:

  • Name: Google Core Update March 2023.
  • Launch: March 15, 2023, around 10:30 am ET.
  • Implementation: It will take around a week or two to fully implement.
  • Objectives: focuses on all types of content.
  • Penalty: This is not a penalty and promotes or rewards excellent web pages.
  • Global – This is a global update that affects all regions and all languages.
  • Impact: Google did not tell Schwartz what percentage of queries or searches were affected by this update, but so far it appears to be a typical core update that is broad in scope and quick to impact.
  • Discovery: Core updates affect Google Discover and other features, including featured snippets.
  • Recovery – If your website was affected by this update, then you should review your content and see if it can be improved by following Google’s latest advice on core updates.
  • Periodic Updates: Google will make periodic updates to this algorithm, but may not communicate those updates in the future.

What are Core Updates, or Core Updates

According to Google, core updates are significant and broad changes to its algorithm and systems. These updates happen several times a year and can cause volatility in web traffic. Google says that the core updates are implemented to increase the overall relevance of its search results.

To better understand the nature of core updates, Google uses the following example: “Suppose you made a list of the top 100 movies in 2015. A few years later, in 2019, you update the list. It will naturally change. Some wonderful new movies that never existed before will now be candidates for inclusion. You may also reevaluate some movies and realize they deserved a higher spot on the list than they did before. The list will change, and the movies that were at the top of the list that drop in position are not bad. There are simply more deserving films that are placed earlier.”

Historically, the search giant does not disclose details about its core updates, only confirming the existence of a core update in anticipation of some sites experiencing changes in traffic patterns.

Preparation for kernel updates

The best way to ensure that your site is ready for core updates is by focusing on your content. Google has site quality guidelines that website owners can refer to to ensure that their content meets Google’s high-quality rankings.

It’s important for website owners to keep up with the latest updates and news from Google to keep their site in the best possible condition.

Google’s March 2023 core update reminds us of the importance of following site quality guidelines and focusing on high-quality content. While it can be tempting to use “Black Hat” techniques to get quick results, these techniques often result in penalties and removal from the search results list. Instead, website owners should focus on producing valuable and useful content for users, which will increase the quality and relevance of their site in the long run. It’s also important to stay on top of Google updates and adapt your SEO strategy accordingly.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.