Google Photos: Users can now create cinematic effect in images

Google Photos: Users can now create cinematic effect in images
1686322206 google photos users can now create cinematic effect in images.jpeg

O Google is releasing an option for the app Photos that allows the creation of photos with cinematic effect. Previously, the function launched in 2020 and which received improvements in 2021 worked automatically, with the application itself choosing the most suitable photos to apply this effect.

Now, some users are reporting that a button has appeared in the app to be able to create a cinematic photo according to the person’s preferences. For those who don’t know, cinematic style is when a kind of zoom is implemented on a still photo, giving a cinema-style effect.

This alternative is now displayed within the “Utilities” inside the Google app, located in the tab “Library“. From there, the user just has to select the desired photo to apply the effect and define the duration that the final clip should have. In this way, Photos will implement a slowly zooming effect on the chosen image.

The quality of the effect will obviously depend on the selected photo. The news was reported on the Google News on Telegram, but it is not yet available for everyone to have access within the app. However, even when it is, not everyone will be able to use it.

The reason for this is that this tool will be released in the same way as the Magic Eraser feature, made available by the company in February. In other words, only those who are users of a Pixel phone or have a Google One subscription will be able to use this attribute.

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