Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Mozilla Firefox…, which is safer for browsing the Internet?

google chrome, microsoft edge, safari, mozilla firefox..., which is safer for browsing the internet
google chrome, microsoft edge, safari, mozilla firefox..., which is safer for browsing the internet

Have you dedicated a single day to not going on the Internet? This question is surely answered by very few, since it is one of the daily tasks that we most often do throughout the day, whether to ask a question, to work or to inform ourselves about current events. To do this, there are various browsers that we can use to browse the Internet and it is a matter of taste whether we use one or the other, but there is a winner that stands out for its security .

Cybercriminal attacks continue to cause a lot of havoc to all those users who take the bait to accidentally become victims through Internet browsing. This is achieved through phishing, one of the most used techniques to achieve its main objective: the theft of data and credentials. Although there is no way to completely stop this bad practice, we can use methods to avoid this type of situation.

According to statistics from the Statista portal, we spend more than a quarter of our day on the Internet, which is a fantastic opportunity for cyber attackers to try to make our lives miserable. Luckily, we can use resources, such as antivirus, but also be sure that our privacy on the networks is kept safe.

The OCU (Organization of Consumers and Users) has made its own assessment, delving into numerous aspects, mainly in the detection of phishing of the most reputable browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera . Which will be the safest?

Google Chrome

Without a doubt, one of the most representative web browsers today is Google Chrome, which covers no more and no less a figure of more than 3.4 billion users around the world. We are faced with the most used application on the planet to search on the Internet and it is one of the fastest for loading each of the elements on the pages. It is also one of the browsers that receives the most updates daily, in order to perfect the user experience.

In this case, the OCU has predicted that Chrome has improved in recent years, but it continues to be the browser that detects the least phishing, with a score of 41% on Windows and 38% on Mac .

Microsoft Edge

Those from Redmond are going to score a good victory over Google’s navigation platform, since its popularity is not that high, but since the creation of Edge it has become much safer with the implementation of a tracker that scares away external agents and more features that make it the best anti-phishing browser to date.

The consumer organization gives a notable percentage to Edge, specifically 71% in Windows .


Apple has always been known as a closed system that uses a large barrier to block any input that does not have to do with the development of its own apps. However, it has had to adapt to new European standards and convert its operating system into a more accessible space.

Although it is still very much its own, Safari is one of the best browsers, as it protects users from numerous malware when they enter fraudulent websites. During the OCU analyses, 68% have been detected , bordering on the effectiveness of Edge.

Mozilla Firefox

Firefox has earned the reputation of being one of the most powerful browsers in terms of security , but over time it has been losing weight and users. This is because it still has a long way to go to reach the effectiveness of the other three programs mentioned, since Mozilla is not recognized for having created a fast and simple browser.

Although Firefox has a safe browsing mode that prevents the websites we have visited from being found out, the OCU gives it the bronze medal with a detection rate of 60% on Windows and 63% on Mac .


The latest to appear on the market is Opera, which had a very good reputation in its mobile version, which was later transferred to the computer version. And, even though this is the least used browser today, it has an integrated ad blocker, a tracker blocker, and free and premium VPNs.

However, the OCU has not been completely convinced and places Opera in last place with a global count of 60% on Windows and 57% on Mac computers.


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