Elon Musk Reactivates Donald Trump’s Twitter Account After Poll

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The new owner of Twitter added yet another controversy to his resume. Elon Musk reactivated Donald Trump’s account on the social network this Saturday (19). The former president of the United States had been banned from the platform in January 2021, following the invasion of his supporters to the Capitol.

The South African billionaire made the decision after putting a poll online to ask the public if they wanted Trump to return to Twitter. After 24 hours on the air and more than 15 million votes registered, the voting closed with 51.8% for “yes” and 48.2% for “no”.

Image: Reproduction

The former US president had already expressed on Friday (18) that he was happy and considered that Twitter was in “sensible hands”🇧🇷 In addition, he praised Musk when he said that “he is a character” and I tended to like that kind of person.

Throughout his time in the White House, Twitter was widely used by Trump to engage with his supporters. The platform was more lenient in moderating his posts, understanding that he should give ample freedom to speak, as he is a public official.

However, at the end of his mandate, with the increasing volume of posts with Fake News about fraud in the elections, the microblog started to place warnings in the publications to correct the false statements. Until, after the invasion of the Capitol, he decided to follow the other social networks and permanently ban Trump’s account.

Do you agree with Elon Musk’s decision to return Donald Trump to Twitter? Share your opinion with us!

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