ChatGPT: iPhone application gains integration with Bing to offer up-to-date responses

Kaspersky tests ChatGPT's ability to detect phishing scams
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The ChatGPT iPhone app was launched in May of this year and now it has just received a major update. From now on, the iOS app will integrate with Bing, which will be able to provide updated information to the chatbot, making your answers more interesting.

The ChatGPT integration with Bing has been available since May for ChatGPT Plus subscribers, but only now has it been released for the iOS app as well.

With this addition, the OpenAI chatbot will be able to access Bing’s indexed data library to provide more relevant information, as the ChatGPT database only contains information collected up to September 2021.

ChatGPT app for iOS. Image: reproduction

This should help ChatGPT not create responses with outdated data, as it is not aware of anything that happened between 2022 and 2023.

It is worth mentioning that the update does not make ChatGPT smarter, it just increases the data library it has, which is why it is still not recommended for searching the internet or generating texts from scratch.

If you are a ChatGPT Plus subscriber, simply install the v1.2023.173 version of the app on your iPhone and follow the steps to activate the Bing integration:

  1. Open the app and log in;
  2. Tap the 3 dots in the upper right corner;
  3. Go to Settings > New Features
  4. Select the “Browse with Bing” option.

ChatGPT Plus costs US$20 per month, equivalent to R$97 in direct conversion. It is worth remembering that Bing Chat is available for free, but with some limitations in relation to ChatGPT.

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