Apple isn’t selling enough Macs, M2 processor factories are idling

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apple isnt selling enough macs m2 processor factories are idling.jpg

PC sales are at an all-time low around the world. Apple is not spared. The company has greatly slowed down the production of M2 chips.

Credit: 123rf

A bit like all electronic devices, and everyday consumer goods in general, computers are selling poorly at the start of 2023. Even if Apple is the most listed company on the financial market, it She also feels the effects of a very gloomy economic climate: her computers, the Macs, cannot find buyers. The situation is serious, and according to the report of a South Korean analysis institute, the management of the company would have decided to stop the manufacture of processors Apple Silicon M2.

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In the first quarter of 2023, the turnover generated by the Mac Mini, MacBook Air and Pro is only $7.7 billion. A fall which, if it was foreseen, is no less hard. Sales fell 30% year over year. Apple had of course taken preventive measures to limit the losses. According to a well-informed source from the Korean site The Elec, the Cupertino company would have stopped all manufacture of M2 chips from January. Production has since resumed, but at half the rate of before.

Mac Mini, Macbook Air and Macbook Pro under M2 processor do not sell

The company as a whole saw its turnover drop by 5% in the first trimester. If computers are the most impacted, iPhone sales are not doing well either. Persistent tension in the electronic components market and the effects of COVID-19 in China have contributed to disruptions in the brand’s smartphone production lines. All of these issues have also impacted sales of the Apple Watch.

The only ray of sunshine for Apple comes from tablet sales, which have made a real leap (+30%). According to experts, the release of the iPad M2 has revived interest in the company’s digital slates. This bad news would not prevent Apple from developing new products. It is rumored that she is preparing a Macbook Air OLED which will be powered by the new M3 chip engraved in 3nm.

Source : The Electric

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Mubashir Hassan
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