Microsoft Teams will allow users to monetize classes and events with new payments function

Microsoft Teams will allow users to monetize classes and events with new payments function

Microsoft confirmed this Wednesday (23) that it will soon launch a new payment application that will enable monetization of classes, events, conferences, and other types of virtual meetings in Teams🇧🇷 Big tech reveals that this service will have initial availability in the United States and Canada in December 2022.

With this feature, users will be able to charge a certain amount for others to join their presentations on Microsoft’s virtual meeting platform. The service will require a connection to a third-party payment service — such as PayPal, for example — in order to receive conference “ticket” amounts.

(Image: Reproduction / Microsoft)

“Grow your business by getting paid for classes, events, or lectures you host in Teams with the Payments app,” says the company in the Microsoft 365 timeline. After connecting the third-party payments service to the app, viewer users will be able to transact with just a few clicks.

Apparently, only users with Microsoft business accounts registered in the United States and Canada will be able to charge in Teams — at least, at first. O feature will be usable on all platforms: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS and the new web application that is available for Linux based systems.

Microsoft has not released other information about the “Payments” application, but this is just one of the next new features that will arrive in the company’s suite. Following the rebranding of “Office” to “Microsoft 365”, Teams will be one of the biggest focuses of the suite with new features that improve its accessibility and overall experience.

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