Google Assistant on Nest Hub Max will answer you with a simple look, goodbye “OK Google”

google assistant on nest hub max will answer you with.jpg
google assistant on nest hub max will answer you with.jpg

Google Assistant on the Nest Hub Max is going to experience a small revolution. It will no longer be necessary to say “Ok Google” before a question, since a simple look at the screen will suffice. An impressive feature on paper that we won’t get in Europe right away.

Google Google

To activate Google Assistant, say “OK Google” or “Hey Google” before asking a question. This lets the AI ​​understand that you want to interact with it. Google will try another method on the Nest Hub Max: gaze activation.

Presented at the Google I/O opening conference, this feature only concerns the terminal dedicated to the home for the moment. It is no less interesting, and especially impressive at the AI ​​level.

“OK Google” is no longer necessary.

The principle is simple. If you have a query for Google Assistant, just ask by looking at the screen. The terminal will analyze your posture and your tone of voice to determine if he is the one you are interested in. Do you need to call a plumber? Just say “Call me a plumber”!

Even more, the Nest Hub Max will soon welcome fast requests. Already present on the Pixel 6, these are ready-made sentences that Assistant understands and that does not require you to say “Ok Google”. Just say “Set an alarm at such time” to set it, for example. Here, you don’t even have to look at the screen. At the moment, no release date for this feature, but it shouldn’t take too long… at least for American consumers. As usual, it will be necessary to wait months, even years, to have this functionality in French.

Several questions arise about the arrival of this feature. That of respect for privacy, first of all. The camera will have to constantly film in order to determine whether you’re looking at the screen or not, which isn’t very engaging, let’s face it. We also wonder how well the system will work. Google Assistant is not perfect and sometimes activates without being asked (both on Home and on phones). Without the magic phrase “Ok Google”, will these small errors multiply? We will have to wait to use it to find out.

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Mubashir Hassan
Expert in tech and gaming, blending industry insights with expertise