TikTok launches new fund for creators that requires 10,000 followers and long videos

TikTok launches new fund for creators that requires 10,000 followers and long videos
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TikTok has announced a new phase of its fund for content creators and, along with it, new requirements. First announced in February, the show was invite-only. Wider availability now aligns with the TikTok creator’s original fund, which promised to pay $1 billion over three years to app creators.

Creativity Fund requirements suggest a slight shift in priorities for TikTok, with video longer than one minute and at least 10,000 followers and 100,000 views in the last 30 days.

The creator’s original fund still exists, but it’s unclear what will happen now that the three years are almost up and the new program is expanding. TikTok said original fund participants can switch to the Creativity Program but will not be able to switch back.

Despite the large amount of money earmarked for the original fund, the creators even criticized that even the viral videos only brought in a few dollars. At its February launch, TikTok said the new fund would “generate greater revenue potential” for participants, but did not offer specific numbers.

In March, the platform announced that creators could monetize some of their content, including 20-minute videos. Livestreams are also increasingly central: creators can earn gifts from viewers during livestreams, for example.

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