Microsoft begins testing a native Skype app for Macs with M1 chips

Microsoft begins testing a native Skype app for Macs with M1 chips
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A Microsoft released version of skype for members of the Software Insider Program. AThe update added a native app for the service for Mac devices running Apple’s M1 platform. apple.

The new native app skype for Macs with M1 chips promises to be much faster and smoother on devices with the Apple chip. It’s worth noting that the current public version of the software on Mac is designed to run on Intel-based devices.

Thanks to Apple’s Rosetta 2 translation software, applications that were initially designed to run on Intel-based Macs can run on Mac M1 devices with minimal performance degradation on those devices.

This way, a native Skype app will no longer rely on Apple’s translation software to run smoothly on ARM-based Macs. Microsoft is testing the new feature with users running the latest version of Skype Insider.

Other users may have to wait a month or more for Microsoft to release it to everyone. Most likely, the company should replace the current Skype application on Mac with the new version through an update to the program.

The latest version of Skype Insider also comes with stability improvements and many bug fixes, such as an issue preventing reading and opening files, failed notifications and much more.

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