Dead Space Remake: Comparison video highlights impressive improvements over the original

Dead Space Remake: Comparison video highlights impressive improvements over the original
dead space remake comparison video highlights impressive improvements over the.jpeg

After a long hiatus, the Dead Space franchise is finally back with the remake of the first game, which improves on the original release in every way, as highlighted in a new video that was shared a few hours ago.

The new comparison video made by ElAnalistaDeBits highlights the many improvements introduced in the remake, from visual improvements to gameplay improvements. Still, the original still has a certain charm to it today, a testament to the quality of the game originally developed by Visceral Games and EA Redwood Shores at the time.

Dead Space became one of EA’s most acclaimed franchises, but even so, it took a long time for the developer to decide to take it back.

With the remake of the first game hitting stores this week, new possibilities open up for the future. Although the remake is very faithful to the original, EA did its best to improve what was good and bring new things in the right measure.

Through a comparative video, we can see everything that has changed for the better with the remake.

  • At first glance, you can see big changes thanks to the new graphics engine: better modeling, textures, lighting, reflections, particles, volumetric effects…
  • The USG Ishimura looks different. Thanks to the new atmosphere, the redistribution of some areas and the huge amount of new elements, the original ship now looks empty. It’s a masterful change.
  • Improved control while preserving the feel of the original Dead Space. Gunplay has improved considerably.
  • Necromorphs are now more difficult due to the new physics and dismemberment system with a very satisfying result.
  • New zones, redistributed paths, safekey zones, backtracing, new puzzles, more scares, new enemies and a few more surprises.
  • New dialogues and scenes.
  • Sound with ray tracing. Sound skips take immersion to another level.
  • Loading times between zones have been eliminated or shortened. There are not as many elevators and the monorail will be faster.

The Dead Space remake is available now for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.

So, are you already playing the remake?

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