Discover all the news of MIUI 14 for Xiaomi phones

Discover all the news of MIUI 14 for Xiaomi phones

Discover all the news of MIUI 14 for Xiaomi phones

the chinese brand Xiaomi he has worked a lot on his skin Android to make it smoother and better for users. The system MIUI it is Xiaomi’s Android skin and it is one of the most decent ones out there on the market. The company has millions of decent MIUI users who want nothing less than the MIUI system. Recently, we learned which company mobiles were going to have this new update. And now, during the press conference of Xiaomi 13the long-awaited was also officially presented MIUI 14.

The big design changes of MIUI 14

The new MIUI 14 not only improves the fluidity of the system, but also brings a new design in terms of the user interface vision. For example, the new large icons, large folders, desktop smileys and many other small details. All this brings a lot of freshness to the user experience.

However, it should be noted that there were some issues in the layout logic of the MIUI 14 large folder. The entire folder occupies the positions of four icons. But there are only three apps that can be opened by pressing directly. For other apps, users will need to tap them after opening the folder.

Discover all the news of MIUI 14 for Xiaomi phones

Fortunately, MIUI has always been a system that cares about user experience and feedback. According to the latest reports, Xiaomi has added some fixes in the latest beta version. The large files folder is now available for more apps and users can click on them directly.

The change will be gradually introduced in Xiaomi mobiles

Non-internal test users can also update the system desktop to version Some users have extracted the installation package in order to enjoy these improvements.

After the update, you can choose the Jiugongge app, and there are 8 icons that can be opened directly by clicking the original four icons. You can also set up a smart display. The system will automatically learn the user’s usage habits to intelligently order and recommend the exposed apps.

This function first appeared in HarmonyOS of Huawei. Although the design idea is very simple, it greatly enhances the user experience. At present, it has been basically popularized by Chinese Android systems.


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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.