How to download work life on your mobile phone for free and in a few seconds

how to download work life on your mobile phone for free
how to download work life on your mobile phone for free

The My Citizen Folder application allows you to quickly and free download work life on your smartphone.


In recent months, the Spanish administration is expanding the digitalization of many bureaucratic procedures , which can be done from the mobile phone without having to go to an administration. A good example is being able to download the Birth Certificate from the My Citizen Folder application .

In fact, this application is becoming one of the most useful in the daily lives of many Spaniards since it brings together not only what is related to tax data, but also what is related to vehicles, housing or academic records. In addition, you have access to other administration websites where you can easily download all types of documentation.


One of the most in demand is working life , a procedure that is simple to request but that until not long ago required either physically appearing at a government administration or knowing how to navigate the different websites of the different administrations. Now it can be downloaded from the My Citizen Folder app easily.

How to download work life

The first thing to do is download the application from the Google Play Store in case we do not already have it on our mobile. After configuring access, you must go to the section called My Folder , in the bottom bar, in the central part. Within that section you have to click on Work and benefits , and choose the first option, called Social Security and Working Life .

The application shows us a screen with the last jobs that have been had, in addition to being able to enter each one of them to consult things such as the Regime, the registration date… At the bottom there is the option to See Complete Work Life , which is the one to choose. This will redirect to the Social Security website, where you can consult Working Life . This link can be seen directly, without the application, but it is more convenient to know where to go, within the app, instead of searching on Google every time you need to download this document.

When clicking, it asks us for a form of identification to choose from among four available. When this is done, a summary will be shown with the years that you have been registered with Social Security, in addition to being able to download the Working Life in a PDF on our smartphone by pressing the blue button at the bottom of the screen.


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