The European Union forces all manufacturers to switch to USB-C by 2024

European Union
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The European Union has announced something we already expected: device manufacturers selling their products in Europe would have to offer a USB-C connector.

The new regulations also affect Apple, meaning the tech giant would have to convert the iPhone from Lightning to USB-C (or remove the charging port altogether).

We’ve known for some time that Apple has been considering the switch to USB-C, but until now, the company has simply continued to use the Lightning connector.

Although the vote on the new rule took place earlier this year, Parliament today approved the requirements, so From the end of 2024, manufacturers of phones, tablets, cameras and other devices sold in the EU are required to offer USB-C.

And as of spring 2026, the same will cover laptops.

Regardless of the manufacturer, the obligation will apply to all mobile phones, tablets, digital cameras, headphones, e-books, keyboards and mice, as well as video game consoles, speakers, navigation systems and laptops. .

All devices that support fast charging will have the same charging speed, allowing users to charge them at the same speed with any compatible charger.

The European Union claims that the decision will help reduce the impact on consumers and the environment, as users would no longer have to maintain a dedicated charger for each of their devices.

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