If you are going to upgrade to macOS Ventura from Big Sur trust CleanMyMac X

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Every time we have a new operating system ahead of us, we are inundated with doubts about the possibility of making an update that does not cause problems for us and especially for our content. On more than one occasion, surely you have crossed your fingers that everything goes well. Something that not necessary if you use CleanMyMac X. This application allows you to perform a safe and reliable update at all times.

CleanMyMac X gives you security when moving from macOS Big Sur to macOS Ventura

Apple has just confirmed that the macOS Ventura launch event will be in October. It is true that you have not specified much more but just what is necessary. We have to think about how we will make the transition from our current Big Sur to the new Ventura. You already know that it is always good to update, not only for the news that we will now see, but also for security reasons.

Whenever an update comes out, we have to take into account stability improvements, security improvements, and bug fixes. For that alone it is worth the upgrades. But it is that, in addition, if it is a change like the one that is coming, the reasons are multiplied. There are several new options that are worth the move to macOS Ventura:

  1. Searches in the application have been improved Mail. Now the results are more precise and the good thing is that we will be given suggestions in those searches. We will be able to undo a shipment, program it or resume it and many more options.
  2. If search in Mail has been improved, imagine spot light. It has reached a new level. We can search for images in photos, Messages, Notes…etc.
  3. New way to manage passwords in Safari. Browser that has also improved in this new version of macOS Ventura being even faster than in Big Sur.
  4. We can edit Mensajes, share them and collaborate with others through the application.
  5. The iCloud Photo Library takes on a new meaning. With macOS Ventura, a level is reached that, with Big Sur, we could only dream of. Not only can we share photos, we can, thanks to shared intelligence, add images manually or receive suggestions.
  6. Hand offone of Apple’s best secrets, comes to FaceTime.
  7. New app free form. 100% productivity facilitating the exchange of ideas and teamwork.
  8. We leave the most important for last: Stage Manager. A new way to organize your windows.

If you want all this when it is available to all users, don’t play it and have an update without fear of losing anything, thanks to CleanMyMac X

How can you help us in the update

Seeing all the new features that await us, it is logical that you want to upgrade. In addition, as has already been said, only for the new security and privacy, it is already worth it. But upgrades of this caliber should not be taken lightly and we should use CleanMyMac X to help us in the process and make sure everything will work out.

CleanMyMac X is a multitool for our Macs. It has multiple functions and all of them help at every appropriate moment. In the topic at hand, which is to update our operating system, it will help us a lot to prepare our Macs.

Apart from the functions of helping us speed up and perform tasks that are cumbersome to do manually or that sometimes even exceed our knowledge of the world of Macs, it has functions that are designed so that the passage from Big Sur to Ventura goes smoothly:

  • It has a tool that performs a general scan of the entire Mac. With this we can determine if the space on our Mac is being managed well. An element that is essential when performing the update. If we do not have enough space, no matter how much we want, we will not be able to do it. That CleanMyMac X tool will tell us which files are expendable safely.
  • It will also clear the cache. A space that is usually filled with elements that end up taking up a lot of space. Space that can be used and that the program will do without problems.
  • Before doing any update, we should check our Mac. That it is free of Malware. CleanMyMac X evaluates and analyzes the risks of our browsing habits and determines whether or not there are strangers on our Mac.
  • One of the functions that it has and that is used a lot is the one that manages the applications. Help to install them but the most important thing is that it helps to uninstall them without leaving any trace of hidden files or the like.

When we have used these resources is when we can say that we are ready for the upgrade from Big Sur to Ventura, but not before backing up our Mac.

As soon as we update, we will have a new operating system with new functions taking up more space than the previous one and possibly more RAM. That is why it is essential to continue with CleanMyMac X to monitor changes on the Mac or if we are wasting resources or even if Ventura has not sat well with our computer in particular.

For this reason, from here we encourage you to always update to the latest operating systems that Apple launches on the market. At the moment we are waiting for the day of presentation of macOS Ventura to become official. We know it will be in October. We also know that updates should not be done without looking at some parameters first. If you don’t want to spend many hours searching and then deciding whether or not to deletewe recommend the CleanMyMac X multitool.