An iPhone 12 Mini with dual ports, Lightning and USB-C: it can be done! Video


Now iPhones with USB-C port are no longer a novelty, at least for those who hang out in the world of modding, but someone has found a way to create an even more complete and sophisticated solution: an iPhone 12, Mini in addition (therefore with even less internal space) equipped with both a USB-C and a Lightningso that you can charge your device and for example listen to music through wired headphones at the same time.

The video is from South Korea, so many of the finer details about the making process remain somewhat obscure. What is clear is that the user has decidedly advanced technical knowledge, both mechanical and electronic. It can also be understood by looking at the other videos on his channel: he even made it an iPhone Fold and an iPhone Flip!

It’s now been seven years since Apple made the “brave” choice, as Tim Cook himself said on stage, to remove the 3.5mm audio jack on its iPhones. The move certainly benefited her thanks to the huge success of the AirPods, but the sentiment among users (at least some) is that we really didn’t just make money. Since they have a built-in battery that is virtually impossible to replace without causing damage, earphones have gone from being a product that if it sounds good can last you for years to a consumer product that every two or three years becomes very difficult to use due to of impaired autonomy. It’s also easier to lose them, of course they download and then there’s the whole question of quality and fidelity of the signal transmitted wirelessly.

It is true that even wired earphones were (are!) far from perfect: those who have used them assiduously will remember how easy it was for the cable to get trapped in handles, clothes and so on, causing a whole series of disastrous accidents.

Apple iPhone 12 Mini is available online from eBay at 609 euros. To see the other 22 offers click here.

(updated February 14, 2023, 10:40 am)
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