Twitter lets you combine GIFs, videos and images in a tweet

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In a usual way, Twitter grants the user the permission to publish different files such as images, videos and GIFs, although this is already something known. But from now on, the platform will allow users the option of being able to have all these multimedia files within the same tweet. Just a day ago, on Wednesday, Twitter announced the appearance of this option to combine these files in order to have them in a single tweet.

Combined GIFs, Videos and Images on Twitter

A few months ago, the social network has been introducing this option exclusively for a small group of users for some time. In past updates, Twitter allowed you to keep multiple files, but only of one type. That is, now in the same tweet you can have several photos, videos or GIFs.

In your own entranceTwitter indicates that this new option would leave the creativity of users in the air, also granting various possibilities of expression within the reach of a single tweet.

In the words of the platform, they point out how important it is for the user to have different forms of expression, helping them to share and reach more people. They also highlight the importance of audiovisual content for tweets, surpassing the linguistic expression of only 280 characters, allowing them to tell more than just a simple story.

In addition, it is not a difficult option to carry out, because it does not matter if you do not know much about integrating this type of media. All you have to do is select all types of audiovisual files, whether they are photos, videos or GIFs to share in the tweet. Although there are different situations to mention. For example, the platform indicates that although you can add all these files, there will only be up to four different files. You can have this option within reach of your iOS and Android device in the official app.

This type of tweet will be adaptable for many versions. Since tweets that include images, GIFs or videos will be viewable by all users, whether you are in a web browser to play on Twitter.

Similarly, the platform is quite unstable since the purchase of Elon Musk. Still, Twitter also includes tweet editing for Blue subs. Including the option of vertical videos in full screen version with your device.