TikTok banned from smartphones used by Australian government

TikTok banned from smartphones used by Australian government
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The Australian government decided to follow the United States and approved the permanent ban from TikTok on smartphones used by government officials.

According to Canberra authorities, the ban is in place to protect sensitive data and prevent sensitive Australian government information from ending up in the hands of a company of Chinese origin.

Commenting on the matter, Australia’s Attorney General Mark Dreyfus said the ban should come into effect “as soon as possible”, with possible exceptions to be “granted on a case-by-case basis”.

Image/reproduction: Reuters.

With the ban issued by Australia, all member countries of the so-called Five Eyes intelligence network now do not allow the use of TikTok on government devices.

This network is formed by the United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia.

Sought to take a position on the matter, TikTok’s general manager in Oceania, Lee Hunter, highlighted that the ban is part of an unfounded concern.

There is no evidence to suggest that TikTok is in any way a risk to the safety of Australians and the app should not be treated differently from other social media platforms.

This ban on TikTok in Australia should reignite the dispute with China after the countries rehearsed a rapprochement with the exchange of prime minister in Canberra.

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