EntertainmentTech News

This will be the subscription with Disney + ads, and it does not seem crazy

The streaming video platform Disney+ It was the first among the largest that put on the table the possibility of launching a cheaper subscription in which there will be advertising (a car that Netflix has also jumped on later). The fact is that new details have been known about how the new option in which the owner of franchises such as Pixar or Marvel works will be.

One of the great doubts that users have is whether it will rent to change the subscription that they currently have without ads and switch to the new cheaper one, but which will not lack advertising (and everything indicates that it will arrive late this year early next year at the latest). The truth is that the assessment depends on what bothers you that you have to see this type of content that has the objective of selling you something and, of course, of the balance between what it will cost and the number of ad breaks.

The number of ads Disney+ plans

And, the truth is that from the source of the information they offer data that is quite positive, especially when compared to what other cloud platforms are currently offering with their ads (an example might be Hulu). These arrive at more or less 10 minutes per hour, which is a significant amount and which, it seems, Disney + does not value -since the experience would not be adequate-.

Thus, the time of ads per hour that would have to be seen in the new subscription would be four, a much more reasonable figure that goes beyond simply showing an ad before starting a movie or series episode, as is the case with Movistar+. In other words, without being especially annoying, it would influence the way in which the content is enjoyed. Of course, everything indicates that it will not be something dramatic.


Something that is very positive

Besides, it has also been known that with the kids Disney + will be much more careful with everything that has to do with the announcements. So much so that for the contents that are intended for the smallest there will be no commercial break. And, this is very positive because in this way it will not influence their habits and will allow them to consume everything that the platform has for them as to date (regardless of the subscription they have contracted).

As far as the price of the new subscription is concerned, there are no confirmed details. But, taking into account the prices that the options that Disney + has on its platform have right now, it is not ruled out that what the new one costs with ads is between 4 or 5 euros. If so, it will be easy to assess whether or not it is worth saving the rest of what is paid monthly.

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