These are some of the best story games for Android mobiles

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mejores juegos con historia para moviles android.jpg

For many, history video games are the best, where each character has a personal development and there is a general story of what happened, what is happening and/or what will happen.

These titles more than anything are available for platforms such as PlayStation, Xbox or PC. However, there are very good options and Recognized titles that can be found in the Play Store for Android mobilesso pay attention to meet them.

Life is Strange

Life is Strange

If you are an old fan of video games with a history, you surely know Life is Strange, a quite famous title and acclaimed by the media. Published by Square Enix, it is a game where you will be in the skin of Max Caulfield, a photography student who discovers her power to travel through time and thus change the course of events.

The game is divided into five chapters, on which you will have to know the powers of the character and knowing that these (going back and forward in time) can bring terrible consequences when it comes to solving the mysteries that exist in Arcadia Bay, the city of the game. It is totally free on Google Play, so you can go download it now without any problem.

Sara Is Missing

Sara Is Missing

This is another interesting option that can attract your attention, and as its name indicates, Sara has disappeared and it is through her mobile that you can see different clues to try to find it and find out what happened.

From the device you will have to find the information you can, be it from your messages or calls, notes, emails, photos or personal videos, many of which may be password protected, hidden or even lost. Already based on your own decisions, the game may take one path or another, so choose carefully. You can download this game from Google Play for free.

Old Man’s Journey

Old Man's Journey

If what you want is to know a title that is paid but completely worth it, Old Man’s Journey is the perfect option for you. It is a story that only uses visuals and not words, and focuses specifically on the bad and good times of lifethe different changes of plans that these can suffer, the broken dreams, etc.

Counting on a well-worked design and graphics, this 1.99 euro title has won more than 17 international awardsstanding out with the prize for the best emotional game, the prize for the best art and the prize for innovation.

80 days

80 days

Finally, we present 80 Days, a paid title based on the iconic novel “Around the World in Eighty Days”. Reincarnating the character of Phileas Fogg and his faithful companion Passepartout, you will have to fulfill the bet to go around the globe in that time or lessand all in this fun and dangerous interactive adventure.

measure and carry take great care of your finances, travel time and the routes you take to get to various cities in the world as quickly as possible, whether by train, ship, plane or any other means. Great title that you can enjoy for 5.49 euros.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.