The Top 20 artificial intelligence tools: the overwhelming victory of ChatGPT


In the realm of AI, ChatGPT’s dominance is undeniable. However, other applications achieve notable performance, notably Midjourney. And Google Bard is still far, far behind ChatGPT…

What are the most used artificial intelligence (AI) applications in the world? This is the question asked by the Writerbuddy agency, which recorded the number of visits to the main sites between September 2022 and August 2023. Verdict: ChatGPT dominates unchallenged by obtaining more visits than all its competitors combined. However, some apps have made great breakthroughs…

1. ChatGPT: 14 billion

ChatGPT has been the darling of the past year and the numbers are without nuance. The OpenAI chatbot can pride itself on having revealed the potential of AI to the general public. From television to major news dailies, ChatGPT has continued to be in the news and its frequent updates have only strengthened its appeal.

2. 3.8 billion

We presented this AI to you in an article published last May: “  ChatGPT and generative AIs challenge the limits  ”. allows you to chat with Elon Musk, Shakira or other celebrities with a truly astonishing level of realism.

3. Quillbot: 1.1 billion

Quillbot reformulates the sentences you submit to it and the good news is that it now works in the language of Molière! Obviously, this capacity appeals on a large scale.

4. Midjourney: 500.4 million

Mid journey has established itself as the best text-to-image (generative AI of images from text) with rendering quality that has long been unmatched. Its performance is even stronger as it is a paid application.

5. Huggingface: 316.6 million

Hugging face is a site dedicated to AI application developers and its success suggests that many apps are emerging and that we will not stop being surprised.

6. Bard from Google: 241.6 million

Bard appeared late and therefore Google has nothing to be ashamed of for this performance. The fact remains that, during our various tests , we did not find that it was up to ChatGPT on advanced queries.

7. Novelai: 238.7 million

NovelAI writes stories at will, which has amazed many. However, it is currently only available in English.

8. Capcut: 203.8 million

This online video editor integrates some AI tools, including text-to-video , or a tool that transforms your photograph into a portrait.

9. 192.4 million

This chatbot facilitates conversations about online video game-type applications.



10. Civitai: 177.2 million

This image-generative AI appeals to fans of fantasy universes with numerous models of the genre.

And the others…

And here are the 10 applications that rank in succession:

11 Remove vocals from a recording
12 Chatbot
13 Chatbot
14 Remove the background from an image
15 Image Generative AI
16 Design
17 Writing
18 Image Generative AI
19 Writing
20 Image Generative AI



And Stable Diffusion?…

Some will not fail to ask the question: and Stable Diffusion , in all this? Yes… He is clearly a star of image generative AI. The site ranks 23rd in the Top but in reality, the operating mode of this tool probably does it a disservice when we think in terms of the hit parade of websites. Because what makes Stable Diffusion unique is that it is accessible from a lot of secondary sites such as Clipdrop or Dreamstudio. What’s more, Stable Diffusion can be installed on your computer in order to be more efficient and again, these uses escape a survey such as the one mentioned here. It is therefore likely that taking these secondary uses into account, and given its general popularity, Stable Diffusion would be in the Top 10!


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