The Samsung Galaxy S24 will be able to delete people from videos and improve their quality thanks to AI


Recording video on the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

The Samsung Galaxy S24 will arrive loaded with artificial intelligence, and these will be some of its best functions.

Samsung is preparing great news for its next high-end generation, which everything indicates will be presented in Spain in the first months of the year. The Korean company wants the Samsung Galaxy S24 to be the best phones in the segmentand for this it would be providing them with a large number of new features.

Artificial intelligence could have a great weight in this device, just as it already has in other models from other brands, such as the Google Pixel 8, which includes a complex photo editor capable of even changing the faces of the people who appear in the images. looking for your best shot.

The latest rumors and leaks suggest that the company is developing very interesting functions related to video, and they will make their debut in the next version of the company’s customization layer, One UI 6.1, which is what the new family is expected to have high-end from the Korean company.

New AI features

According to the leaks that have taken place about these Galaxy S24, they will be devices capable of carrying out tasks using artificial intelligence directly on the device, for which they will use specialized hardware. This will also be capable of employing some exclusive functions related to video recording thanks to One UI 6.1.

With the help of AI, Samsung devices will be able to apply improvements such as noise reduction, increased detail and recording quality in low light or even the possibility of deleting an object as if it were the magic eraser. from the gallery. With this, I would seek to considerably improve the video quality they offer when conditions are not favorable.

Among the rest of the artificial intelligence functions expected for these devices are some that have already come to light, such as the possibility of asking the mobile phone to write a text or transcribe a conversation. Everything indicates that it will also have an expected conversational model in the form of a chat, which would be exclusive to these mobile phones, although, as stated Android Authorityit is not clear if it would be available from its release date or added later.

For now, we will have to wait for its presentation to confirm this, as well as its design change towards flat edges. What is clear is that AI will be a vitally important part of these high-end smartphones, and video recording.

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