The processors of the future iPhone and Mac will make them fly, why?

The processors of the future iPhone and Mac will make them fly, why?
the processors of the future iphone and mac will make

Apple’s machinery does not stop despite the fact that just a few days ago it presented the new iPhone 14 and, also, updated the range of its smart watches and wireless headphones. The fact is that some of the plans that the firm has for its future processors, which are key in its phones and computers, have been known.

The data that has been published has to do with some of the technical improvements that they are going to include, which will translate into advances in many of the sections that are vital in the devices of habitual use, such as performance or autonomy. The truth is that, if what is indicated is confirmed, the expectations are good while waiting for Apple itself to decide how to implement the hardware we are talking about.

Processors that will make iPhones and Macs better

The main reason for saying this is that both the new M3 and A17 processors will use chip manufacturing technology. three nanometers (N3E). This is an important qualitative leap, which is due to the fact that, among other things, a greater number of transistors can be included. Therefore, we speak of a power boost without the need for a greater frequency of work -which has a positive impact on energy needs, for example-.


Even the temperature control is much better, which translates into less need in what has to do with cooling systems (which opens doors to design changes that until now were unthinkable due to the lack of space and the existing heat for this reason). Therefore, it is quite clear that it is possible that in the new generation of Apple computers and smartphones there are important advances that compensate users a little for what happened with the iPhone 14, for example.

What to expect for 2023

Assuming that Apple will use some of its second-generation manufacturing equipment in three nanometers of TSMC, its processor supplier is expected to maintain the commitment to include the new SoCs only in the iPhone 15 Pro and that only the most powerful MacBooks have the M3 chips with N3E. Therefore, we are not talking about global use, since this would have very important cost implications.

Meanwhile, it is expected that there will be new iPad Pro tablets soon that will use M2 (5nm) processors and, in addition, the most basic models will include the Apple A14 to keep their price competitive in today’s market. Therefore, it seems quite clear that there is a major gap between the different generations of Apple devices -whether iPhones or MacBooks-, much higher than there was just a couple of years ago.


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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.