The most viral WhatsApp jokes to celebrate April Fool’s Day

captura de pantalla 2023 12 27 183009.png
captura de pantalla 2023 12 27 183009.png

WhatsApp April Fool's Day

We are about to witness the funniest 24 hours of the year known as the Day of the Holy Innocents. December 28 is already a tradition throughout Spain and is celebrated on a day full of jokes to give more than one a good laugh or, otherwise, it doesn’t feel good at all. Be that as it may, the jokes have transcended to digital platforms and in this article we will explain them to you. the most viral things you can do on WhatsApp.

Have you ever been part of a prank or has it been played on you? If you haven’t had that opportunity, you still have time to come up with ideas and make a joke on a loved one or even on that person you’ve never really liked. Nowadays generations have changed and the way of playing jokes has been renewed with the emergence of digital applications.

Without going any further, WhatsApp is one of the means of communication most used by Spaniards to share images, emojis, videos, etc., in such a way that it is the perfect resource to develop a plan and launch the best pranks on the 28th. from December. However, in this article we have compiled the easiest pranks to make through the messaging application and have a good laugh with friends and family.

The most viral WhatsApp jokes

WhatsApp is the most popular way to communicate with someone, therefore, we are going to use some external applications to send them through WhatsApp to our partner, family and friends and leave them with their mouths open after seeing that everything was a lie. However, we can make up the typical jokes between acquaintances like “I’m pregnant” or “I’m on a trip to the Cayman Islands”, which may not be too elaborate. Therefore, we bring you a few with which you can start practicing for your “victims.”

WhatsApp April Fool's Day

Fake News or False News

On December 28, there will be many websites that put fake news into circulation, but you can create your own through websites that contain templates for writing with completely invented content and share it through WhatsApp. Imagination has no limits, so create your content by playing a prank on your loved one. To do this, you can go to websites like 12 minuteswhere you can create your news very quickly and easily or select one of the predefined ones on its portal.

Fictitious calls

Fake calls are the most well-known pranks, but you can try to prank someone with applications like JuasApp or Fake Conversation, so that you can put the phone number on whoever you want to play the prank on in one of these applications and it will make a fictitious call to the sender. In addition, this conversation will be recorded automatically, in such a way that it could become a hilarious situation if we send it via WhatsApp between acquaintances.

JuasApp - Telephone Pranks
JuasApp - Telephone Pranks
JuasApp – Telephone Pranks

Fake All - Call Chat Message
Fake All - Call Chat Message
Fake All – Call, Chat, Message
Developer: NANOMAG

Chats that do not exist

We can also create fake chats on WhatsApp with applications like WhatsFake introducing the simulation of a real conversation with someone, impersonating a famous person or another that comes to mind. But be careful not to overdo it, as the victim may not like what they are reading at all and the joke may turn into a deep crisis.

Fake Chat - Whats Prank Mock
Fake Chat - Whats Prank Mock
Fake Chat – Whats Prank Mock

Prank - design fake conversations
Prank - design fake conversations
Prank – design fake conversations
Developer: binaaltd

Broken screen

If you want to impress the person you want to play the prank on, just download the application Broken Screen and surprise them with the result. You can accompany it with the invention of a story, so you have to be creative. In this way, we can even make it believe that that person has broken our mobile screen by simulating a sudden movement next to it.

broken screen prank joke
broken screen prank joke
broken screen (prank) joke

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