The brilliant invention that allows you to turn any mobile phone into an impressive telescope with a 200x zoom

the brilliant invention that allows you to turn any mobile phone into an impressive telescope with a 200x zoom
the brilliant invention that allows you to turn any mobile phone into an impressive telescope with a 200x zoom

The Excope DT1 system turns your mobile phone into a camera with a 200 magnification zoom, close to what some telescopes have.

That mobile phones have become the reference camera for the majority of users is something we have already assumed. Among the many things that this device has replaced are the compact cameras, both analog and digital, that became popular at the end of the last century and the beginning of this one.

In recent years, the cameras of the most advanced mobile phones are including functions that are beginning to approach professional, photography and video cameras, such as being able to shoot in RAW mode, record in logarithmic format or allow various manual controls.

It has also become popular to have several lenses on the same mobile phone, including some telephoto zooms that have reached 10x magnification, although the latest generation of mobile phones has focused on giving more importance to 5x optical magnification . But there are ways to have much more zoomed photographs.

A telescope on your mobile

One of the most striking projects on crowdfunding platforms in recent years is the Excope DT1, a camera designed for long-range photography enthusiasts . It allows you to take photos with a super telephoto lens of up to 200 optical magnifications using your smartphone as a viewfinder and as a control of the zoom system.

The Excope DT1 is designed to be easy to use and quite portable, considering the size of this type of lens. It weighs 1.32 pounds and can be used easily by simply pressing a button on the mobile screen , which is attached to the system using a support similar to that used in cars.

The grip has power and shutter buttons and overall weighs about 600 grams. It allows you to take photos of up to 48 Mpx, with an optical magnification of 200x , which reaches that of amateur telescopes. In addition, you can record 4K video and when connecting to your mobile via Wi-Fi there is no need to have it anchored to the tripod.

It is possible to place the system pointing at what we want to photograph and sit with the cell phone in hand to control the recording or taking of images. It is compatible with HDR technology, and has a 3000 mAh battery that allows use for up to 2.5 hours , after which you must use the USB-C port to charge it.

This device is currently in the launch phase on the Kickstarter platform at a price starting at $189 . This price is 50% lower since the sale price when financing is reached will be $379, although there are other purchase options, somewhat more expensive, but with more accessories. It will be shipped worldwide in July of this year.


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