Surface Duo will be dual-booting Windows and Android soon

Surface Duo will be dual-booting Windows and Android soon

Surface Duo owners will be able to use Windows together with android on devices soon. The information comes from the developer itself Gustave Monce, who published a video on the networks using the dual-boot method on the Microsoft device. It is worth remembering that the user is the leader of the project that aims to bring Windows 11 to Duo.

The novelty displayed by him, then, goes beyond just putting a new operating system on the product. In this sense, it is possible to choose between one of the software to initialize the item and leaving it open or closed during boot will influence this process. In addition, the developer mentioned three important points about this initiative:

The first is that the Surface Duo owner will be able to boot Windows on the device without the need to connect to another device or a computer. Likewise, it will be possible to block the bootloader after doing the procedure, in addition to moving between Windows and Android without major difficulties.

On his Twitter, Gustave Monce talked about the project, which started as something done as a hobby, but ended up receiving a lot of support from the community and the progress achieved so far is greater than what he himself expected. Finally, the developer revealed that compatibility with the Magisk will continue and you will be able to install apps like Netflix normally.

Gustave finally promised more news soon about Windows running on the Surface Duo. Microsoft, in turn, should launch a new model for the line, but with new features in its structure, changing the two screens for a single folding display, in addition to the external panel, as in current folding cell phones.

The Microsoft Surface Duo is not yet available in Europeian stores. To be notified when it arrives click here.

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