Starfield: Game-themed Xbox controller may have leaked online

Starfield: new Xbox exclusive will have in-game purchases
starfield new xbox exclusive will have in game purchases.jpeg

Starfield promises to be the Xbox’s biggest release this year, and to celebrate, Microsoft intends to invest heavily in marketing the game.

In early April, images surfaced of what appeared to be a game-themed Xbox controller, however, the information came as a leak. This week, new images of this alleged control surfaced, this time showing the device box.

In just over a week, we’ll have a “Starfield Direct,” which is a full-on post-Xbox Games Showcase event devoted solely to a deep dive into Bethesda’s new RPG. While we can expect a bunch of gameplay snippets, behind-the-scenes info, and more, it looks like there’s a chance they’ll announce a few other things as well.

A new Starfield-themed Xbox controller has surfaced online and has a bright white color scheme with a faint rainbow design around the Xbox button. The look of the controller is identical to the images that leaked a few months ago. Anyway, it’s worth saying that this could be fake, better to wait for the official announcements.

Starfield Xbox controller out in the wild
by u/cyberRakan in Starfield

It’s not sure if the controller will be given away in some promotion or sold in a traditional way, but if people already have it in their hands, there’s a chance it will be released in the coming weeks. Only time will tell what its price and availability in Europe will be.

So, what do you think of the look of this new Xbox controller?

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