Spotify tests new billing service for its users on Android

Spotify tests new billing service for its users on Android

For Android users, Spotify has begun testing the new User Choice Billing feature, which lets you choose your payment service for in-app purchases. Until then, the only form of payment was through the Google Play billing system on Android.

This was because Google, like Apple, required Android and iOS developers to only use their billing systems and cut down on transactions. This decision generated many conflicts and even lawsuits, but the will of mobile platform manufacturers remained. But since March, Google started offering User Choice Billing for Android apps and Spotify was chosen as the first to test the functionality.

Screenshot indicates interface of Spotify’s new billing type (Image: Playback/Android Headlines)

Given this, the music streaming app will offer Google Play billing and its built-in payment system. Google has already assured that it will bring User Choice Billing to more markets around the world in the coming weeks — but even so, will continue to receive a commission for payments made for other services🇧🇷

The pilot program is now available in the United States, Europe and South Africa. The feature was previously only available in Australia, India, Indonesia, Japan and the European Economic Area.

According to a company statement, the company’s next target is the Bumble dating app. In the coming months, some countries will have access to the novelty, but not so many details were disclosed.

And you, what did you think of the novelty to pay Spotify? Will it make a difference in your accounting? Leave your comment!

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