SKY announces open signal of 18 channels for customers in January

SKY announces open signal of 18 channels for customers in January

This week, SKY communicated the open signal for this month of January 2023. In all, there will be 18 channels released during the period. The initiative is valid for postpaid and prepaid customers with active recharge.

The list of broadcasters available to all includes ZooMoo Kids – already announced since the beginning of the month –, the three channels of Nosso Futebol – a new package to show national and regional tournaments –, the eight channels of the HBO family, in addition to Sony Channel, ESPN 2, Discovery Channel, Star Channel, FX and Cinecanal. Check the dates:

  • ZooMoo Kids: January 7th to 14th
  • HBO Channels: January 13th to 15th
  • Sony Channel: January 16th to 25th
  • Star Channel: January 19th to 24th
  • FX: January 19th to 24th
  • Cinecanal: January 19th to 24th
  • ESPN 2: January 19th to 24th
  • Our Football Channels: January 7th to 12th
  • Discovery Channel: January 21st to 28th

Among the highlights for children’s holidays, ZooMoo Kids will show the adventures of the most connected dog and ferret on the planet in Boris & Rufusin addition to learning from the class of Ticolicos Show and with the crowd educatedapart from Special: Let’s Play.

In the HBO package – made up of the channels HBO, HBO2, HBO Plus, HBO Family, HBO Signature, HBO Mundi, HBO Pop and HBO Xtreme –, the main attractions include the launch of The Last of Us, a series inspired by the video game franchise. Already on Sony Channel, there will be the arrival of the 19th season of Grey’s Anatomy. Meanwhile, Star Channel will premiere the series Me, the boss and the kids.

For sports fans, ESPN 2 will have the NFL semi-final and Australian Open tennis tournament during the period. Nosso Futebol also makes its debut with a large selection of state championships, such as Goiano and Pernambucano.

Finally, there is the Discovery Channel, which will have a program consisting of the fourth season of Airport – Restricted Areaseventh season of Alaska’s Big Family and the episodes of the show Overcoming Stories.

Access by DGO

Customers benefiting from the free-to-air signal will also be able to watch broadcasters through DGO (formerly DirecTV GO), the group’s streaming platform. Simply sign in with “operator” and enter your login and password registered with SKY.

The service is accessible via the official website, on Smart TVs, connected devices and the mobile app. The download for Android and iOS is available from the links located on the card below the text.

Did you enjoy the 18 channels with SKY signal opening for this January 2023? Share your opinion with us!

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