Reality One or Reality Pro, the possible names of Apple’s AR viewer


Although for now there are only a myriad of rumors but there are no certainties, the Apple viewer continues to take shape and in these days some news has emerged on the possible name of the AR / VR accessory under development in Cupertino. To discover new details is the head Bloomberg thanks to a known practice and already used with other products previously.

There is talk of the possible name of the accessory and, as has happened in the past, Apple relies on a series of related companies to file trademarks in advance of the product’s release. The registered names are not always the definitive ones but they allow us to have an idea of ​​the direction taken by the company. Thus some possible nomenclatures emerge that contain the word “Reality”, a brand that actually seems dear to Apple since 2017, when the intention to develop a proprietary operating system for headsets emerged, whose most popular names were “rOS” or ” RealityOS “. To confirm this, in 2019 Apple released the first developer framework and called it “RealityKit”, once again winking at that word.

Apple has recently requested the filing of some brands including “Reality One”, “Reality Pro” and “Reality Processor”, of course there is no guarantee that the choice can fall on one of these but it indicates us at least a direction Furthermore, their use has not yet been granted so there is no certainty that Apple will be able to use them. Reality One could be perfect to indicate Apple’s first product in the range of viewers, Reality Pro would adapt well to a high-end device, in line with the rumors that speak of a product worth more than 2,000 dollars, finally Reality Processor could refer to the name of the proprietary processor designed for the new AR / VR product line.

For now only allegations, such as those relating to the arrival on the markets, which apparently will not materialize in the short term. Although there are no official advances and there never will be any, we can say with a good margin of certainty that the next event on 7 September will not bring any news in this sense, but we will have to wait at least until 2023 to find out something.

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