Patent registered by Samsung suggests scrollable screen with different modes of use

Patent registered by Samsung suggests scrollable screen with different modes of use
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A patent registered by samsung about a cell phone with scrollable screen gives a good idea of ​​how this type of technology could be used. The discovery was made by the portal GalaxyClubwhich showed sketches of the 2022 registration that presents ways of using the device with this type of technology embedded in the display.

In general, the device has some situations of use that are similar to what is found in the folding Galaxy Z Fold. However, a smartphone with a panel like this can go further, becoming a very versatile piece for its user’s daily life.

The first of the four usage modes, for example, is called “Processor”. According to the description, it is indicated for use while walking down the street, with the screen “shrinking”, becoming narrower to facilitate the grip. At home, the “Phone” mode is recommended and has the ideal panel size for regular use of the device.

For use with two hands on the street, there is the “Phablet” mode, which according to the description is what provides better comfort for typing compared to the previous two, leaving the person more relaxed for this activity. Finally, the last one is Tablet mode, with the display expanding completely.

The patent description treats this mode as even more comfortable to type, in addition to delivering a better browsing experience, being ideal for those who are at home and sitting down. It is worth remembering that this is not the first time that a screen patent of this type has been registered by Samsung, with a version that could even be used as a monitor.

Speaking of cell phones with rollable screens, also check out a model that would be launched by LG, but did not reach stores.

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