How cryptocurrencies are being used to invest in real estate

How cryptocurrencies are being used to invest in real estate

The market of cryptocurrencies and the transactions based on digital assets has had a progressive rise that has allowed the developing not just multiple ways to payment, but it is also possible to generate constant income by correctly investing the money in this type of virtual tokens.

That is why different companies have tried to incorporate the technology blockchain of the cryptocurrencies in the development of profitable business models that can also provide benefits to the users.

Kodo Assets has merged the concept of virtual currencies with investment in real estate, although the difference is that instead of doing them within the country, these transactions can be done in the form international.

According to data generated by the company, only in Colombia the real estate market has grown and a total of 234,592 homes during the last year, which represents an increase of 28% more than in previous periods. Also, in countries like Peru Y Argentinathis market is growing with the promotion of new Projects infrastructure.


Cryptocurrencies to invest in real estate

Kodo’s proposal to incorporate the cryptocurrencies as a means of investment in this type of business is based on the creation of a cryptocurrency that has been called KODO1a token that will allow people who buy it to receive income for reasons of the sale of a building located in Brazil.

This property, which was “tokenized” or “split” into space chunks that have the minimum value of a token, which in turn is equivalent to 140 dollars each one, will present benefits to the users and will generate a collection of 3.5 million of dollars for the company, which can be invested in other infrastructure projects that can be tokenized and generate even more profits for users.

Each token sold by the company equals a total of 4.58 square decimeters of space inside the building, so after fragmenting it, it was decided to initially launch a total of 25,000 tokens.

The company The promoter of this crypto investment methodology indicates that the building is currently being occupied by a financial center of Brazilso all rental proceeds will be divided by the total space that has been acquired in the sale of cryptocurrencies which has only been announced so far and an official release date is not known.

“Each token holder KODO1 You will be entitled to receive rental income relating to that property in proportion to your share of tokens compared to the total number of tokens issued by the project and also to receive the proportional result of an eventual sale of the underlying property, which can generate an interesting profit”, explains Helena Margarido, Kodo’s Director of Operations.

On the other hand, the white paper of the economic project, the basis on which the operation of kodo, has not yet been released. From Web page it has been announced that it will be available soon so that people can make a realistic analysis of the suitability of the project, although it is also not known if there is a date set for its publication.

The Kodo company has not published the document on which it will base its financial operations with its cryptocurrency. (Capture)
The Kodo company has not published the document on which it will base its financial operations with its cryptocurrency. (Capture)

According to the site, in Sao Paulo and specifically in the Sulamérica building project, a return on investment of 5.7% thanks to the growth in sales of properties by 6.4% during the last year.

For now, this type of investment ensures that people can invest in infrastructure projects around the world “in a safe and agile way, without the bureaucracy and the high costs of the traditional market, having access to different markets around the world”, according to Margarido.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.