Microsoft removed Internet Explorer for good: what if you need access

Microsoft removed Internet Explorer for good: what if you need access
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Microsoft confirmed that the browser will no longer work on Windows 10 and that will be the end of it because it will no longer be supported. Microsoft put an end to the story of internet explorer. The browser was born in 1995, but in the last decade it had a strong decline and the company decided to launch a new platform as a replacement in 2015, until it finally stopped working in recent days.

Windows 10 it was the company’s operating system that still had support for it. The arrival of Windows 11 put Edge as the default, something that will happen on computers after the system update that eliminates IE, unless the user has configured Chrome either Firefox.

Additionally, all visual references in the browser, including the login icon, are scheduled to be removed on June 13 by a Windows security update. Although these icons are no longer functional after the removal of internet explorer.

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Microsoft confirmed that the browser will no longer work on Windows 10 and that will be the end of it because it will no longer be supported.

Microsoft confirmed that the browser will no longer work on Windows 10 and that will be the end of it because it will no longer be supported.

How to continue using Internet Explorer

Although the user base of this browser has decreased in recent times, a few services only operate under this system. So there are ways to still have access to IE today.

The first method is by going to microsoft edge and activate the mode that integrates Internet Explorer using the old engine. To do so, you must follow these steps:

1. Open Microsoft Edge.

2. Click on the ellipsis and select Settings.

3. Go to Default Browser and click on ‘Allow sites to reload in Internet Explorer mode’.

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In case this method doesn’t work, it can also be done by going to the Group Policy Editor and then going to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Microsoft Edge > Configure Internet Explorer Integration.

Then go to the Enabled tab and select the mode option internet explorer. Finally, press the accept button and that’s it.

Another way to use IE is by having computers with Windows 8.1 and 7, where the program is enabled, although these operating systems are no longer supported by Microsoft.

Even if the company ends this browser, a small part of users will be able to continue using it, since many companies, organizations and government entities implement it and only there will they continue to be supported with security updates as in the case of versions of Windows 7 ESU, Windows Server SAC and LTSC, Windows 10 LTSC, Windows 10 IoT LTSC.

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Microsoft confirmed that the browser will no longer work on Windows 10 and that will be the end of it because it will no longer be supported.

Microsoft confirmed that the browser will no longer work on Windows 10 and that will be the end of it because it will no longer be supported.

Internet Explorer History

The August 16, 1995 was the launch of this browser for Windows 95 and it was a plugin that was installed via a package called MicrosoftPlus! until in Windows 98 It did integrate with the operating system and from there it began to have various updates.

One of the most controversial versions was 6.0 for Windows Xp in 2001, as it had several security issues, which meant that the company had to release a big fix with Service Pack 2 in 2004.

Mozilla Firefox It was its first major competitor, which came with the novelty of open source and features like tabs. The last version of IE was 11, until Microsoft released its replacement, Edge, in 2015 to make it the default browser for Windows 10.

Currently, Google Chrome is the most used browser in the world with 68.81% of users, the second is Firefox with 7.83% and edge is third with 7.04%, according to data from Net Market Share.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.