Messenger: Meta releases end-to-end encryption for app users

Messenger: Meta releases end-to-end encryption for app users
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THE Goal announced this Monday (23) that it is releasing the end-to-end encryption by default for users of messenger. This feature is not exactly new, as it has been in the application for six years, but only for secret conversations.

This implementation had already been announced in 2022 and is finally becoming available to its users. However, it will still be gradually released to people using the messaging app. Even those using the beta version should receive the encryption method before others.

Meta also took the opportunity to reveal more news for its messaging application. In this sense, the messenger now has new custom emojis, new reactions and themes for conversation windows. In addition, it will be possible to choose photos for different groups within the app.

Another measure implemented is the possibility of seeing the status of users. In this way, it will be possible to see if the contact is online or not. But, this function can be disabled if the person so wishes. Finally, there are also improvements to the bubble function, which allows you to respond to chats even if you are using others. This function is only available on Android.

Regarding end-to-end encryption, Meta claims that the measure should work as an extra layer of protection for its users. More security, then, is always welcome, especially with the Account Center grouping settings from different apps.

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