Kindle Scribe: the best tricks to create and manage your notebooks

Kindle Scribe: the best tricks to create and manage your notebooks

The new Kindle Scribe it is an excellent advancement in the range of electronic books that Amazon has. With it, in addition to being able to read eBooks with an excellent experience because it includes a very large screen, it is possible create notebooks or edit PDF documents in a comfortable and simple way.

To do this, the ideal is use the included stylus with the Kindle we are talking about. This allows you to enter the text by freehand in a simple way, taking advantage of the editing options that are included in the Scribe operating system. Also, everything can be manage in the cloud taking advantage of the options that Amazon offers for this (as long as you have an account in the well-known online store). Therefore, we are talking about options that are quite advanced.

What you should know about Kindle Scribe notebooks

We are going to show you everything you need to know to get the most out of this new option that is included in the device we are talking about. As you will see, everything is quite simple thanks to the touch screen that the accessory has, and in just a few minutes you will have the necessary knowledge to use the full power of this new Kindle.

  • create a notebook: Click on the bottom of the Kindle screen in the section called Notebooks. You enter a screen where you will see the last ones you have managed and, in the upper right area, there is an icon with the ‘+’ symbol. Press it to execute the creation.
  • Select a template: by default there are different templates in the ebook. Once you have done the previous step, you will see that a window appears in which all the available ones are listed and you must choose the one that matches the ones you need (there is a preview of each option). Amazon has ensured that more will be added over time.

  • How to create new pages in a notebook: This is important, since you will surely need several on many occasions. Well, the truth is that everything is very simple, because simply by dragging to the right on the screen, you generate a new one. It’s all that simple. I was able to know the ones that the element in which you are reviewing has the information that is in the lower part of the panel.
  • Move the writing bar of place: If the writing bar doesn’t fit on the left side, I could try to bring it to the right side. Simply click on the icon with three dots and you will see an option appear that allows you to do this. If you prefer the above, you simply have to repeat the action
  • essential editing options: By using the side writing bar, you can perform different actions, such as deleting what you have written or modifying the size of the strokes. Speaking of deletion: if you select a space using the stylus, you can delete everything at once with a single press. In this same place there is the undo and redo icon, they are very useful and you should know their existence.

As you have seen, there is no difficulty in using the Kindle Scribe and its stylus to manage notebooks and edit documents. The truth is that Amazon has done a great job, and this product is an excellent option for both the personal and professional usesomething that to date was far from these electronic books.


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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.