It makes no sense to make lists of the professions with the best future, because we still can’t imagine them

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Throughout the history of humanity, technological evolution and changes in society have generated professions that were unthinkable in earlier times. The internet and digitization have given rise to job roles such as social media manager or cybersecurity expert that would have sounded like science fiction just a few decades ago. Now, we are at the beginning of a new era, the era of artificial intelligence, and new professions are likely to emerge that we cannot even imagine today.

The constant evolution of the professions

From the industrial revolution to the present day, professions have evolved and changed in parallel with technological and social advances. Each revolution brought with it new needs and job opportunities. The advent of electricity, automobiles, aviation, computers, and the Internet have all created professions that were unimaginable before their advent.

Today, with the rapid expansion of artificial intelligence, robotics, data analytics, and other advanced technologies, we are facing a new revolution that is likely to spawn professions that we cannot anticipate at this time.

Unimaginable future professions

It is an interesting, albeit speculative, exercise to try to predict some of the professions that might emerge in the future as a result of technological and social advances. Here we present you a list of some professions that, although they seem like science fiction, could become reality in the next decades:

  • Virtual Pet Trainer: With virtual reality and artificial intelligence advancing by leaps and bounds, we could see a rise in the popularity of virtual pets. These trainers could help “train” and customize these virtual pets so that they interact in a more realistic and meaningful way with their owners.
  • Psychologist specialized in emerging mental illnesses: As our lives become increasingly digital and the boundaries between the physical and virtual worlds blur, new mental disorders and illnesses could emerge. Psychologists could specialize in these new conditions, providing specific treatments and coping strategies.
  • Upright Farmer: As cities expand and space becomes more scarce, vertical farming in tall buildings could be a solution for local food production. Vertical farmers would be responsible for the management and maintenance of these farm buildings.
  • Custom Artificial Organ Designer: Advances in bioprinting and regenerative medicine could enable the creation of personalized artificial organs for transplantation. The designers of these organs would be responsible for adapting them to the specific needs of each patient.
  • Space Debris Disposal Specialist: As human space activity increases, so does the amount of space debris. Specialists in this area would be responsible for developing and implementing strategies to clear the space and avoid damaging collisions.
  • DNA Artist: As we learn more about genetic manipulation, we might reach a point where it is possible to ‘engineer’ living organisms. DNA artists could be pioneers in this field, creating living works of art.
  • Robotic Friendship Therapist: As robots become more sophisticated and interactive, some people can form strong emotional bonds with them. Robotic friendship therapists could help people navigate these unique and sometimes complicated relationships.

Surely I am falling short with the imagination, in the same way that I would fall short in 1980 when doing a similar article. I try to imagine my face if someone had told me that there would be people making filters for a living for a thing called snapchat.

The constant evolution of professions and the appearance of new areas of work make predicting the future of work a difficult task. The mentioned professions are just speculations based on current trends, but the future may bring unexpected surprises. What we do know is that adaptability, flexibility, and a willingness to learn will always be valuable skills in the world of work, no matter what the future holds.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.