iPhone 15 series: 3D models confirm dimensions and novelties


There are still several months left before the launch of the iPhone 15 but the rumors regarding the next top of the range are becoming more and more pressing. On the other hand, we have entered that phase in which many of the characteristics of Apple’s smartphones have now been finalized, which is why details continue to emerge from the production chain that anticipate the specifications of the 2023 solutions designed by the Cupertino house.

Today’s news, in particular, comes from MacOtakara, the Japanese portal that closely follows the movements around everything related to Apple, whose reliability is however very fluctuating. This does not appear to be the case with regards to the rumors reported today, since the site has published a very long video showing the 4 models of the next iPhone 15going to confirm several details.


The models in question are those that comeor 3D printed based on the CAD used by cover manufacturers and have precisely the purpose of verifying that the accessories are compatible with the new models. The video dwells on evidence that confirms the general design of the new models, including the presence of more curved and less sharp edges than in the past (although it is yet to be understood whether these will be exclusive to the Pro versions or not), adopting a port USB Type-C and of Dynamic Island on all variants.

Confirmations also regarding the volume key design change on the iPhone 15 Pro and 15 Pro Maxwhich should become a single capacitive key and also the models shown today seem to confirm the presence of a very long housing dedicated to this element.

We can see the differences in the volume key on the Pro models, those above

As for the differences with the current generation models, it seems that the iPhone 15 will be around 1 mm longer of iPhone 14, which is why current covers will not be compatible. But not only that, since the iPhone 15 Plus seems to fit almost perfectly into the case of its direct predecessor (our review here), however the alignment of the keys and the size of the camera block could make it impossible to use the same accessories on this too model. Of course, this also applies to models Prosbut in this case there was not even to hypothesize a possible compatibilitysince already alone volume key change renders current cases unusable.

As usual, we invite you to pay particular attention to the rumors that have emerged in this way, since even the data used by some accessory manufacturers may not be definitive – it happened several times in the past -, however the indications that emerged today should be broadly correct, especially in reference to the design of the volume key of the next Pro models. Below you will find the complete video from which the images are taken.

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