Instagram enabled these GIFs to comment on posts

Instagram enabled these GIFs to comment on posts
1677034539 instagram enabled these gifs to comment on posts.jpeg

Goal brought a new update that allows commenting on photos and videos in a different way to improve interaction with followers.

It is about the use of GIFs to comment , an image exchange format (Graphic Interchange Format) that gains popularity for being one of the most shared files on social networks. It consists of the movement of one or several frames of 3 or 5 seconds duration and that is repeated infinitely.

Previously, this format could only be used in direct message responses or also, to be used as stickers in a story on the social network.

With this new format, people can send a GIF within a photo or reel they upload to the Instagram social network. Photo: Fabian Sommer/dpa

With this new format, people can send a GIF within a photo or reel they upload to the Instagram social network. Photo: Fabian Sommer/dpa

How to use GIFs

To publish it, you must go to the comments section and the option to choose it will appear on the right side of the text bar.

Likewise, there is a search engine that allows you to use keywords such as “cry”, “happiness”, “anger” either “birthday” to choose the one that best suits our preference.

This new format can be used to comment on photos, videos or reels On Instagram.

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Instagram confirmed the arrival of Channels to the social network, as a new form of interaction between users and content creators

Instagram confirmed the arrival of Channels to the social network, as a new form of interaction between users and content creators

Instagram channels

Instagram confirmed the arrival of the channels to the social network, as a new form of interaction between users and content creators, having a more direct relationship in a specific chat.

“A new chat streaming feature. I’m starting this channel to share news and updates on all the products and technology we’re building at Meta. This will be the place where I will first share product news Goal”, assured mark zuckerberg in the first message of his channel.

At the moment, only a limited number of content creators are those who can access this tool. Creators can send messages as voice notes, images, or videos, and people can interact with messages with a smiley face, a heart, or with the thousands of emojis the app has. With this, all followers can become aware of exclusive things that their celebrities give to share.

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Remix for photos”, are the tools that the reels have for the use of the users, since the photographs are essential in the Instagram experience.

Remix for photos”, are the tools that the reels have for the use of the users, since the photographs are essential in the Instagram experience.

other updates

Remix for photos” are the tools that the reels have for the use of the users, since the photographs are essential in the Instagram experience. Now with this mechanism you can make a remix of public photos and you can upload it in single reel mode.

Another of the tools that is available in the application is that you will be able to have more remix layouts, with this you could have a green screen, a horizontally or vertically split screen. As well as picture-in-picture reaction playback to add your own commentary to existing video reels.

In order to have more interaction within the platform, the application enabled the possibility of creating reels with Dual, where they want all people to be able to easily express their creative ideas, so they are adding more functions that allow them to be captured, edited and share them.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.