
Huawei CEO liquidates Samsung: “small company, only us as Apple without ban”

Four years after the grip of the US ban began to tighten around the business of Huawei, we can say that the Chinese giant has come out reduced. In its peak period, in fact, it encountered an obstacle that rather quickly transformed constant growth into a vertical decline on Western markets: on the other hand, the impossibility of implementing Google Services on one’s smartphones weighs like a boulder, and HarmonyOS – while already traveling towards the third iteration – has just taken its first steps.


huawei ceo liquidates samsung
huawei ceo liquidates samsung

Richard Yu the Huawei CEO in a recent forum dedicated to the automotive sector held in China, he was able to release some statements on what the future of the company would have been if the US sanctions had not stopped its race:

If it were not for the intervention by the United States, to date the main smartphone manufacturers worldwide would be Huawei and Apple. I’m not particularly modest, and I truly believe that this would have been the result. “

Yu then sent a nice one dig at Samsung to which he explicitly refers although he prefers not to mention it by name, defining it generically “Korean company“:

The others are small producers, including the Korean companywhich could have established itself mainly in the USA and South Korea.

It is certainly true that Huawei, before the ban, had put Samsung in its sights and aimed to overtake it on a permanent basis as the first smartphone manufacturer globally. But it is also true that in the end things went differently, and that in any case it is difficult to count Samsung among the “small producers“, since instead he permanently occupies the top of that ranking.

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