How to lose weight with ChatGPT, these are my tricks

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In a world where technology continues to evolve rapidly, Artificial Intelligence Virtual Assistants as ChatGPT of OpenAI have become essential tools for everyday life. But, did you know that these assistants can also be your allies on your way to a healthier life and a more controlled weight?

How does ChatGPT for weight loss work?

ChatGPT uses a technique of machine learning called Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (GPT) Models. This system feeds on huge amounts of text, which it uses to learn how to predict the probability of a given word in a sentence.

When you communicate your weight loss goals to ChatGPT, it can help you record your eating habits and physical activity. Every time you provide it with information about what you eat, it generates a food list and the estimated calories each. Plus, at the end of each day, it can tell you the calories you’ve consumed and burned, taking into account the steps you’ve taken and your basal metabolism.


But he is not only in charge of making tables. I can tell him to analyze everything I have eaten during the day and tell me what nutrients I am missing, in order to make one dinner or another:


In this way, I can tell him to recommend me some dinner, keeping in mind everything I have eaten, my nutrients and the physical activity that I have already done during the day.


Benefits of using ChatGPT on your weight loss journey

One of the biggest challenges when trying to lose weight is constantly tracking caloric intake and physical activity. With ChatGPT, this monitoring is considerably simplified, since the system takes care of the calculations and provides you with the data in a clear and accessible way.

Nutritional advice

ChatGPT not only keeps track of your caloric intake, but can also offer you nutritional recommendations. If you tell it what you’ve eaten during the day, it can identify which nutrients might be missing from your diet and suggest foods to balance your meals. This ensures that while you are reducing your weight, you are also receiving the proper nutrition.

Progress Tracking

Another benefit of using ChatGPT is the ability to track your progress over time. You can provide him with your weight and body fat percentage data, and he will inform you of the progress you have made towards your goals.

It is important to keep in mind that it is not a substitute for a nutritionist, but not everyone has the possibility of having a professional of this type within reach or pocket. ChatGPT can help us better control what we eat, give advice and guide us better, and it is always at a distance from the mobile.

The important thing is that you are realistic and sincere, and that you keep the entire conversation on this topic in the same chat (if possible in the ChatGPT 4 version), so that you understand the context. Go commenting right there on the progress, the percentage of fat, the weight, the indices… everything you consider necessary so that ChatGPT has the necessary data when preparing the next recipes.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.