Fable: Xbox exclusive development is in trouble, says insider

Fable: Xbox exclusive development is in trouble, says insider

While Microsoft is focusing all of its efforts on getting approval for its acquisition of Activision Blizzard, the company also needs to be concerned with keeping its games division running until this issue is resolved, which also means continuing development on previously released games. announced and have them released.

One of the most anticipated Xbox exclusives for fans is the new title of the Fable franchise, but it seems that the fears of many are being realized and the development of the game is in trouble.

Even though it owns a wide range of studios, we know that Xbox has a certain problem in managing the development of its games, with many projects taking longer than usual to be released or even being canceled completely, such as Scalebound.

That said, we know that Microsoft’s games division has a number of projects that have already been announced, but that don’t even have a release date, with many of them without any recent information beyond the official announcement. One of these projects is the new game in the Fable franchise, one of the most anticipated exclusives for fans, but which has not gained any news since its announcement in 2020.

This week, Jez Corden, editor of Windows Central and who has already revealed a lot of accurate information about the backstage of the Xbox in the past, reignited the fears of fans by indicating that the development of the new Fable is in trouble.

According to his account, the game has struggled with development partially due to “internal policies regarding the use of the Xbox graphics engine”. In other words, game developers are struggling to use Microsoft’s in-house tools, and instead of letting them use third-party tools, Microsoft is making things difficult.

I’m told that internal policy around engine usage has also led to development issues on games like Fable and Halo Infinite, as Microsoft has sought to use its own tools rather than the richer features that are the industry standard, like the Unreal Engine, which further aggravates the problems regarding employees in training, who leave the project half done.

The report does not explore in depth the impact that these issues had on development, but as we know, if this information is true, this could be the explanation for the delay in revealing news about the game.

It is worth remembering that State of Decay 3 is also experiencing problems, as well as Stalker 2, which had its development interrupted due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Although Hellblade 2 has not presented any problems so far, news about the game is also moving at a slow pace, not to mention The Elder Scrolls 6, a game that was announced even before the acquisition of Bethesda and so far has also not gained news. .

As always, we can only wait for official information, but fans are certainly worried about these reports.

Do you think Microsoft intends to release the new Fable soon?

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