Champions League 2022/23: find out where to watch the games of the week on TV and online [11/04/23]

Champions League 2022/23: find out where to watch the games of the week on TV and online [11/04/23]
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The 2022/23 UEFA Champions League quarter-finals kick off this week, with four first-leg matches played out over two days. All games will be shown in Europe.

In the country, broadcasting rights belong to SBT, for open TV, and Warner, for closed TV and paid streaming. Do you want to know where you can check out each duel? TechSmart shows you.

broadcast schedule [11-12/04/23]

11th of April

  • 4pm – Manchester City vs Bayern Munich – SBT, TNT and HBO Max

  • 4pm – Benfica x Inter Milan – Space and HBO Max

On Tuesday (11), there will be a European derby between Manchester City and Bayern Munich. Guardiola’s charges will face the coach’s former club in England this week. The confrontation will be shown on TV by SBT, in the open, and by TNT, in the closed. On the internet, the signals are available on the website of Silvio Santos’ station, free of charge, and on the HBO Max platform, for subscribers only.

Simultaneously, Benfica will receive Inter Milan in Portugal, in search of a good result at home. For Europeians, the clash will be shown on Space, on closed television, and on HBO Max, in paid streaming.

April 12th

  • 4 p.m. – Real Madrid v Chelsea – HBO Max

  • 4pm – Milan v Napoli – TNT and HBO Max

Already on Wednesday (12), it is the turn of Real Madrid to face Chelsea in another clash of the competition, at the Santiago Bernabeu. In Europe, the game will be broadcast exclusively to HBO Max subscribers.

At the same time, Milan will face Napoli, to start the Italian derby in the tournament bracket. TNT will show the match on closed TV, with a signal available to HBO Max users.

So, do you intend to watch the duels of the week in the UEFA Champions League by which broadcaster or platform? Tell us!

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