Audible expands its catalog in Catalan by 20% with the main Catalan publishers


The Audible audiobook platform, owned by Amazon, has recently presented its new catalog in Catalan, which includes almost thirty titles from the main Catalan publishers. The incorporation of these new titles gave the starting signal to the celebrations of Sant Jordi, the most important literary event in Catalonia, and puts the focus on the co-official languages.

A constantly growing catalog

During a round table at the iconic Librería Laie in Barcelona, ​​representatives of the main Catalan publishers presented the new titles in Catalan that are already part of the Audible catalogue. The service has increased its catalog in Catalan by 20% in just one year, with the aim of offering a greater variety of titles and formats to its listeners.

In general figures, Audible has increased its catalog by 13% in recent months, going from 13,000 titles in Spanish to 14,700. It plans to reach 17,000 titles before the end of the year, which demonstrates its commitment to content quality and user satisfaction.

A booming sector

The audiobook sector is booming and has grown exponentially in recent years, becoming an increasingly popular option for lovers of reading and entertainment in general. In this sense, Audible has managed to position itself as one of the largest creators and distributors of premium audio entertainment, with millions of members around the world.

The launch of its platform in October 2020 has been a complete success, accumulating a total of 35 million hours listened to since then. Audible offers the Spanish audience more than 100,000 titles, including premium audiobooks and podcasts, of which more than 14,700 titles are in Spanish. This growth in the catalog is largely due to the close collaboration with the Spanish creative class, made up of writers, actors and actresses, producers, journalists, screenwriters and a host of talented people who articulate a wide range of high-quality audio-entertainment.

Support for cultural and literary development

The expansion of the Audible catalog in co-official languages, such as Catalan, is a clear commitment to their cultural and literary development, beyond Spanish. The platform has worked in collaboration with Catalan publishers to offer its listeners the best titles in Catalan, including works of fiction and non-fiction, as well as classics of Catalan literature.

This commitment to the co-official languages ​​not only benefits listeners, but also helps create opportunities for writers, editors and storytellers in these languages. Audiobooks and other sound formats have great cultural potential, which can contribute to the diversity and richness of the literary and cultural offer in Catalonia and in other places where these languages ​​are spoken.

Collaboration between publishers and platforms such as Audible is essential to support and promote the cultural and literary development of the co-official languages. In this sense, Audible has worked hand in hand with the main Catalan publishers to nourish its catalog with the best titles in Catalan and offer a greater variety of options to its users.

The rise of the sector and job opportunities

The rise of the audiobook sector has also generated new job opportunities for the creative class related to the Catalan cultural sector. The creation of audiobooks and other sound formats requires the collaboration of narrators, actors, producers and other professionals in the sector, which generates new employment opportunities and talent development.

In this sense, the Audible platform has contributed significantly to the generation of employment in the Catalan cultural sector, by working hand in hand with the creative class and offering employment opportunities in the sector of audiobooks and other sound formats.

The potential of audiobooks

The growing interest in audiobooks and other sound formats for reading and general entertainment demonstrates the great potential of these formats in today’s market. Audiobooks offer a unique reading experience, allowing users to enjoy literature and entertainment anytime, anywhere.

Audiobooks also offer a wide variety of options when it comes to narrators and formats, allowing users to customize their reading experience and enjoy a wide variety of options.

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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.