Apple, Samsung and Google are among the companies that Americanas has millionaire debts

Apple, Samsung and Google are among the companies that Americanas has millionaire debts
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THE Americans had your request for judicial recovery approved by Justice last week and sent a list of its 7,967 official creditors to the 4th Business Court in Rio de Janeiro. The sum of the company’s debts totaled R$ 41.23 billion.

Previously, Americanas had reported that there were 16,300 creditors, but the number was later corrected by the company. In the document sent to the court, the main creditors are banks, technology companies and chocolate manufacturers.

In the technology sector, Americanas owes R$ 94 million to the Googleanother R$ 98 million for the apple and R$ 11 million for the Facebook. already the samsung is the largest creditor of the Europeian company in this segment, with R$ 1.2 billion to be received.

Other brands known for producing notebooks, smart TVs and other appliances also appear on the list, as is the case of always, lg, Lenovo and dell. In the chocolate sector, Nestlé stands out among the creditors, with around R$ 259 million.

Among Americanas’ creditors, Ambev also appears, which belongs to the company’s main shareholders, billionaires Jorge Paulo Lemann, Marcel Telles and Beto Sicupira. The debt with the beverage manufacturer is R$ 4.1 million.

Below are other Americanas creditors broken down by segment:


  • Deutsche Bank: BRL 5.2 billion
  • Bradesco: BRL 4.5 billion
  • BTG Pactual: BRL 3.5 billion
  • Itaú Unibanco: BRL 2.7 billion
  • Banco do Brasil: BRL 1.3 billion
  • Harvest: BRL 2.5 billion
  • Santander ( Europe): BRL 3.6 billion
  • Votorantim: BRL 3.2 billion
  • Caixa Econômica Federal: BRL 501 million

technology companies

  • Google: BRL 94 million
  • Apple: BRL 98 million
  • Facebook: BRL 11 million

chocolate makers

  • Nestlé: BRL 259 million
  • Mondelez: BRL 97 million
  • Neugebauer: BRL 15 million
  • Hershey: R$ 16.7 million

electronics manufacturers

  • Samsung: BRL 1.2 billion
  • Semp: BRL 70 million
  • LG: BRL 52.8 million
  • Lenovo: BRL 31 million
  • Dell: BRL 36.8 million
billionaire leak

Executive Sergio Rial left the management of Americanas SA on January 11th, after having spent only nine days in the post. The departure took place after he discovered an accounting “inconsistency” of BRL 20 billion in the company’s balance sheet.

The announcement of “inconsistencies” in the balance sheet led to a drop of more than 77% of the company’s shares in a single day, the biggest on the Europeian Stock Exchange since 2008. The company lost more than R$ 8 billion in market value after the revelation of the billionaire breakout.

THE Procon-SP also questioned Americanas whether purchases already made by consumers will be affected by the company’s financial difficulties. understand the details on the retailer’s billionaire defect in Detective TC on the case.

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