Tim Cook on Apple Hiring: Economic Uncertainty Needs Attention


With the technology sector largely in crisis and the many realities forced to review hiring plans, or even worse, make record staff cuts as done by Meta in recent times, it is normal that topics such as “new hires” and “economic crisis “are among the most debated and popular among journalists.

If we talk about Apple and its CEO, Tim Cook, the attention to every word spoken is undoubtedly of global interest. And so, during an interview with CBS Mornings co-host Nate Burleson, Apple’s CEO confirmed that the Cupertino company is adopting a very careful approach to hiring and everything is closely linked to the period of growing economic uncertainty.

The full interview will air on Tuesday, but a preview has been published on the Twitter profile of the newspaper and allows you to get a rough idea of ​​his thinking.

Within the short excerpt Tim Cook states that “what we are doing as a consequence of this period is to be very attentive to our hires”, as a response to a request for further details on Apple’s hiring plans. And then he continues saying “this means that we are continuing to hire, but not in any role”.

Cook added that Apple continues to strongly believe in long-term investments, even though the period does not allow for accurate predictions for the months to come. Already Last month, according to Mark Gurman’s BloombergApple had suspended hiring for many non-research and development roles with the express goal of reducing costs.

The report says the move mostly affects some “general corporate positions” and “standard hardware and software engineering roles.” Cook also discussed the return-to-office policy for employees, who as of September are required to work on-site at least three days a week. And it doesn’t end there, as many related topics have been touched on, but to find out more we will have to stick to the full interview that according to CBS Mornings will also touch on topics like iPhone and much more.

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