How to markup text quickly and easily with Markdown

how to markup text quickly and easily with markdown.jpg
how to markup text quickly and easily with markdown.jpg

More and more software supports Markdown for marking up text. Our introduction gives important tips and a guide on how to use it.


With Markdown, you can easily add formatting information to pure text, which allows for a visually beautiful presentation. The highlight: Markdown texts are not only easy to write, but also easy to read in the source text. This means you don’t need a word processor like Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer. Any text editor can be used to write and read Markdown. The beautiful presentation by suitable software is a bonus for the end result, not a requirement when working on the texts.

Because Markdown is so practical, all kinds of systems now know the language: numerous note-taking apps such as “Drafts” or “Obsidian”; complex systems for writing texts such as “Notion” or “HedgeDoc” and niche applications such as the recipe database “Tandoor Recipes”.


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Brian Adam
Professional Blogger, V logger, traveler and explorer of new horizons.