Saving energy is the order of the day – financially and ecologically. We show you how to proceed methodically and which measures are really worthwhile.
Energy costs are rising, and drastically. Nothing will change about that anytime soon, even if the general political climate calms down. It is all the more worthwhile now to pay attention to the many small and large consumptions in the household and to question some of the comforts. Depending on the contract and supplier, the problem is already pressing, but even cheap long-term contracts will eventually come to an end. So time to prepare.
But where do you start with saving electricity? In this article we would like to show how you can proceed: from small immediate measures to finding the big power guzzlers. Although individual measures hardly seem worthwhile at first, after all it’s sometimes just a matter of a few watts here or there, the possible overall savings are not to be scoffed at, especially in a home stuffed with technology.
The skyrocketing energy prices call for optimizing the energy requirements in your own four walls and thus reducing costs. How and with what this works is shown in our series of articles with a focus on saving energy costs.
- 10 cheap energy cost meters in comparison
- Instructions for a self-made heat exchanger for the dew point ventilation system
- The role of landlords and municipalities in the installation of balcony power plants
- Generate electricity: Lower the electricity bill with your own solar balcony power plant
- Power generation by photovoltaic systems on your own roof
- Generate electricity with small wind turbines on your own roof
- When and how adapters are worthwhile
- Reduce energy costs with used DECT thermostats for the Fritzbox
- Exploding costs: What can be done against constantly rising prices for electricity, gas and fuel?
- Questionable power filter: Why Voltbox is a useless scam
- Find power guzzlers in the Apple household: save energy and money in the home office
- Energy costs: the right way to save in the digital environment
- With tariff comparison and switching service: Find the cheapest electricity tariff
- Energy costs: Read out heat cost allocators, gas and water meters by radio
- Eight energy cost measuring devices for home use
- Save electricity on PCs, notebooks and monitors
- Save electricity in the smart home
It’s not just about doing without, but above all creating awareness for better efficiency: What do the devices in the household actually need, when and why? Then you can make a better decision about what you really need or don’t need. Furthermore, in this article we clarify whether and how a smart home can contribute to saving energy and where it is even counterproductive.