YouTube Music web gets update with new home screen design and more

YouTube Music starts recommending albums to users
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While working on a dedicated app for some devices, YouTube Music released a major design overhaul for its web version.

The update is now available in North America, and with it YouTube Music loses the top bar with “Home, Explore and Library” categories to adopt a side drawer.

That is, something similar to what we already have on traditional YouTube for videos. With this change, the hamburger menu should receive all three navigation options, as well as display all user playlists at the bottom.

The update also allows the user to quickly create a new playlist, while all songs and recommendations still appear as a horizontal carousel.

At the top there is the option of predefined filters, such as “songs, albums, artists and podcasts”. The user can still use the search bar to find new tracks or cast the audio to a device that supports the Cast button.

For now, the change is rolling out slowly and gradually through the server. Therefore, it may take a while to arrive here in Europe.


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